Come, Follow Me Resources for February 2020 February 17-23 Book of Mormon Study,
What a wonderful opportunity we have to study the Book of Mormon this year in our Home and in our Classes!! I thought that I would compile a Resource List every week to help both in your home study and in you classroom discussions. Hopefully, you will find them helpful!
Here are the links to each of the study manuals from the church:
2 Nephi 11–25: “We Rejoice in Christ”
Lesson Ideas for Family, Sunday School Primary & YW/Aaronic Priesthood, from Life's Journey To Perfection:
In addition to the links below, I also share daily Come, Follow Me insights on my Instagram and Facebook pages with an image/quote to go with the study.
In addition to the links below, I also share daily Come, Follow Me insights on my Instagram and Facebook pages with an image/quote to go with the study.
The Temple is the House of the Lord

Heavenly Father wants me to marry in the temple and have an eternal family.
2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for July Week 4: I can prepare to be worthy to go to the temple.
LDS Sharing Time June 2014 Week 2: Temples make it possible for families to be together forever.

10 Family Home Evenings All About the Temple
"Rejoice in Christ": Building and strengthen testimonies of the Savior

Heavenly Father sent His Son to earth.
LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas December Week 2: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
Sharing Time March 2014 Week 5: Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
LDS Sharing Time Outline Ideas for February 2015 Week 1: Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.
Sharing Time 2014 January Week 2- Heavenly Father provided a Savior and makes it possible for me to return to His presence.
Family Home Evening on Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
Sharing Time March 2014 Week 1: I can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ will come to the earth again
LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas December Week 4: I can live with Jesus Christ again.
Sharing Time December 2013 Week 3:I will prepare to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again
LDS Sharing Time Outline Ideas for February 2015 Week 4: Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.
Family Home Evening on Heavenly Father has a Plan for His Children
Lesson Ideas from other websites:
- Red Headed Hostess February 2020 $$
- Gospel Grab Bag Home and Primary lesson helps February$$
- The Cozy Red Cottage- Come Follow Me
- Love, Pray, Teach $$
- Chicken Scratch N Sniff Book of Mormon Resources
- BOOK OF MORMON TIC TAC WRAPPER by Chicken Scratch N Sniff $$ Use Code LIFESJOURNEY for 10% off
- A Lively Hope Book of Mormon Sketch notes for February
- A Lively Hope Nephi's Family Printable Paper Dolls
- Worthy Written Words Study Journal Book Book of Mormon Edition$$
- Cultivate Kits Monthly Edition Book of Mormon $$
- Or So She Says Book of Mormon Primary Talk Templates
- Don't Miss This Youtube video Come Follow Me Feb 17-23
- Real Talk Come Follow Me - Episode 8 - 2 Nephi 11-25
Reading Charts and Schedules:
Conference Talks, Articles and other resources to help in your study:
- Book of Mormon Teacher Resource Manual: This is a wonderful resource! We have used it for all of our family discussions this week.
- Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon Teacher Manual: This resource talks about the Book of Mormon. Not really meant to go along with weekly study. But it is a great resource to understand the Teaching and Doctrine that are found in the Book of Mormon.
- Book of Mormon Student Manual: This is another great resource that could be used in weekly study. It has great information about this week's study!
- Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-Study Seminary Students: I love the Seminary and Institute manuals! I'm sharing links to both the student manual as well as the teacher manual, because they seem to have different information in each. This one is fabulous because it goes through each chapter!
- 2017 Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual
- 2020 Youth Theme: A link to the beautiful video and music, that explains like Nephi we can have faith and go and do those things he commands us to do.
- Repentance (lots of ideas from
- Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Personal Preparation for Temple Blessings
- The Atonement and Faith
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Testifying of the Great and Glorious Atonement
- The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
- Temples
- February 2020 New Era Magazine
- February 2020 Ensign Magazine: Has some great lesson ideas and study resources
Great Resources for Kids:
- Scripture Stories Coloring Book: Book of Mormon: This coloring book is a great resource to go along with family or classroom study!
- The Atonement
- February Friend Magazine: So many great resources to help teach the primary age children!
- Scripture Hero Cards: The 2016 Friend magazines have all of the Scripture Hero Cards!
- Book of Mormon Videos
Extra Resources Great Handouts and Youth/RS Activity Ideas:

You Might Also Enjoy, the Resources Below:
Help Your Family and Class Members Stay on Track with These Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon Schedule Cards and Binder Covers

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