Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants D&C 20-22,
Last week, we learned about the Lord giving a revelations to Joseph, Oliver and David, as well as a very important revelation giving to Martin Harris. To be honest, each time I learn more about Martin Harris, I admire him more and more. I love this revelation, it is a beautiful communication to Martin Harris from the Lord.
This week, we are studying about the organization of Christ's church in the latter days. So far I have really enjoyed studying this. It is fascinating to study the early days of the church! How grateful I am for Joseph Smith and those early church members.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:

In this week’s Come, Follow Me it asks the following question, “What would we say if someone asked us why we need the Church?”
I’ve never even considered this, it just makes sense to me that Christ would organize His church in these latter days.
The Lord has said, “Mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion” (D&C 132:8).
I also feel like there is strength & support that comes to us as we are members in Christ’s church.
When we lived away from family & friends, my ward members were the support we needed. I remember speaking to a lady, who was not a member, she knew we had no family around & she asked if we had any support & I said yes, & told her we were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She immediately recognized the support that is given to each other as fellow members.
Another time, I was being interviewed for Jury duty. There was a woman there, on one of the breaks we started talking to each other. Her husband was a youth leader of another faith. As we talked about our religion, she was very interested in our Relief Society, she had heard good things and how supportive we are of each other.
As members of Christ’s church, I feel like we really are more like a family. We lift each other, we teach and serve. Our motive is love and to help each other increase on the covenant path. It’s not only members of our church we do this to, but we recognize that all are God’s children. So we also reach out and invite, lift and serve our neighbors of other faiths.
I’m grateful for the organization of our church, the opportunity it gives us to serve in callings, to learn from each other and grow our testimonies!!
Have you thought about this question?? What does the church being organized mean to you?
Here’s a couple great resources:
Day 2:

I L♥️VE that in the Articles and Covenants, found in the Doctrine and Covenants as Section 20, it testifies of our Heavenly Father!
For me, my knowledge that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me, who is almighty God, is the foundation of my testimony. From that knowledge proceeds all else. Because, God loves us, He developed a plan for us to become like Him. Because He loves us, He sent His only begotten Son to redeem us. Because He loves us, He enters into covenants with us. Because He loves us, He gives us prophets to lead and guide us and to be His mouth piece. I could go on and on, because ALL that we enjoy here on earth is because God loves us.
I wish that all people could have this knowledge and believe it! This knowledge has blessed me throughout my life in so many ways!! I often tell my children the importance of knowing and remembering that they are sons of God and that He loves them perfectly.
Ponder on when you have felt of God’s love for you ♥️
Here are a couple great podcasts:
Here's a great resource:
Day 3:
Sorry, it's taken me a bit to get this last few posts up! I got my second covid shot and was so sick the next day & we got a new puppy at the same time. Ya, I might be a little bit crazy!
“When you take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, you see yourself as His. You put Him and His work first in your life. You seek what He wants rather than what you want or what the world teaches you to want.” (True to the Faith: Baptism)
I love how D&C 20, speaks of baptism and the importance of meeting together often to remember Jesus and partake of the sacrament.
When we are baptized, we promise to take Christ’s name upon us. We renew that promise every time we partake of the sacrament.
We discussed as a family, what that means to take His name upon us. I love the description above! I had told my kids that taking His name upon us means that we represent Him in the things we do and say.
I think that everyday, we could do a little self evaluation. How are we doing with keeping our promises?
How are we representing our Savior throughout our day? I know for me, I often fall short & how grateful I am for repentance and for that opportunity to partake of the sacrament each week. Sometimes, I think we take it for granted and don’t understand how sacred those sacrament prayers are.
We have a son who is a priest, tonight as we were discussing the sacrament I asked him if he knew that when he blessed the sacrament he was petitioning Heavenly Father on our behalf (all those who would partake of it)? He said he did. I had never really thought about that and what a special thing that is.
What I really love about Come, Follow Me study is how it helps me to think much deeper and to gain a richer understanding. I feel that it really helps me to grow so much closer to my Heavenly Father ♥️
Take a moment and ponder on the ordinances of baptism and the sacrament. Think about that promise of taking His name upon you. 😊
Here’s a link to the True to the Faith:
Day 4:

Oh how I love the prophets!! I get so excited when we get to hear from them. I know that there is safety that comes from following the prophet!
I’ve always had such a strong faith in the prophets, that they speak as if the Lord was speaking. They are His mouth peace.
When I was a youth I REALLY wanted to pierce my ears twice. My mom didn’t want me too, but I wanted to do it so badly that I did one ear myself. My mom got upset, made me grow it back in & then took me to get them done professionally. Not long after, the Prophet Gordon B Hinckley, shared that the position of the church was for women to only have one pair of ear piercings, if they were going to have any. I immediately, took those second piercings out and have not worn them since.
Harold B Lee said, “There will be some things that take patience and faith. You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your political views. It may contradict your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life.
“… Your safety and ours depends upon whether or not we follow the ones whom the Lord has placed to preside over his church. He knows whom he wants to preside over this church, and he will make no mistake. The Lord doesn’t do things by accident. …”
Here's the link:
Day 5:

One of my favorite things is to read through the records kept of my ancestors. Those records connect me to them and they strengthen me.
The trials they faced and the perseverance through those trials, help me to be able to face my own trials! I am grateful they were given the commandment to keep records.
We see, because we have the Book of Mormon, the Bible, the Pearl of Great Price & the Doctrine and Covenants, that the Lord’s people are record keeping people.
I can not even express how grateful I am to each of them and their dedication. The scriptures have given me guidance, they have been a source of personal revelation for me. They have given me strength and have helped me to deepen my testimony.
So I guess the question we can ask ourselves is, how can I be a better record keeper. For me it helps me to keep records on my phone. Then when something happens I can write it down right away. I have a friend who is awesome at printing out chat books and another friend who prints a scrapbook each year for her kids birthdays. Those are so fabulous ideas!! I’d love to hear what you do, what helps you to be a record keeper?
Here’s a great article:
Day 6:
There is power in keeping our covenants ♥️ That’s why when things get hard, we do our best to keep our promises to God! This week’s study had a lot to do with our first covenant of baptism.
I’m grateful for the promises I made to my Heavenly Father when I was a little eight year old girl. I’m not sure if I really understood them, but throughout the years my understanding has grown. I am grateful we are able to renew our covenants as we partake of the sacrament. I need that remembrance of what my promises are. ♥️
With baptism comes confirmation and the most precious gift of the Holy Ghost!! I could go on and on about the Holy Ghost!! The more I study and learn about the Holy Ghost, the more amazed and grateful I am for him and his influence in my life!! I know that our Heavenly Father loves us!!! Look at all He gives us!! ♥️
Here’s a great talk:
Remember to check back throughout the week. You could also follow along on Facebook and Instagram.
Here are the links to prior Come, Follow Me Resource posts:
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