Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 88 Resources and Insights,
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Last week, we learned about the importance of standing in holy places. Which means we are creating an atmosphere where the spirit can dwell. We also be discussed the importance of listening and following the spirit and being a light to those around us.
This week, we are discussing creating an environment in our homes for gospel learning. That our Heavenly Father wants us to be close to Him and to learn and grow. We will also study about our Savior and how He offers us peace and hope.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:

I remember when President Nelson gave us this promise ♥️ Both my husband and I were determined to gather our children together daily to study and discuss the gospel and to pray together. I am SO GRATEFUL for what this has done for my family. I feel like it has brought us closer, I think we each look forward to the daily gathering, it brings the spirit into our home and it has opened doors of communication.
Tonight, in our family discussion we talked about how the kids might make their rooms places of gospel learning as well. One thing we really want for our kids is for them to really gain their own testimonies and strengthen those testimonies. I think the one way that occurs is through personal study, prayer and reflection. I really want them to be able to form that personal relationship with their Heavenly Father and Savior.
I love that President Nelson’s promised that the influence of the adversary would decrease. I believe the more we invite the spirit into our lives the stronger or defense against the adversary. Also, I am a FIRM believer that there is safety in following our prophet. Especially, in the times we are living in.
What blessings have you seen come to your home and family as you’ve strived to make your homes centers of gospel learning?
This quote came from this week’s lesson, in the lesson it gives a link to the talk, here is that link as well:
Day 2:
Today, I was thinking about all of the trials and struggles that so many around me are going through & it was kind of getting me down. But, as I started to study tonight, I just really love this quote, because no matter what is going on around us or in our own life, we can find peace, hope and even joy in Christ!!
I really know that He is always there for us, I know of His love for us! His atonement and His love for us gives me hope and brings me peace! The knowledge of God’s plan brings me joy! I know that whatever this world throws at us, the Savior is in our corner, ready to enable us and give us strength to press forward, ready to comfort us and fill us with peace and hope.
How grateful I am for my Savior!! I really needed this topic of study tonight! I’m grateful for a Heavenly Father who love us so much, who knows when we are struggling or having a rough day and offers us little glimpses of His love ♥️
Here’s where the quote came from:
Day 3:

I love this quote!!! Why because there is such simplicity in it. Just simply keep our promises to God.
Let’s look at our promises we make at baptism and that we renew each time we partake of the sacrament bread and water.
- We promise to always remember our Savior. He is our focus ♥️ That focus brings light, direction, healing, forgiveness and comfort into our lives.
- We also promise to keep the commandments. By doing so, we qualify to have the Holy Ghost as our companion. This is huge!!! I encourage you to go to the True to the Faith book and look up Holy Ghost, you’ll be blown away by all of the roles he plays in our life!
- We promise to, serve the Lord. One way we serve Him is by serving others. By lifting and bearing each other’s burdens. I am almost certain that everyone is going through something. We can be listening for those promptings of the Holy Ghost to do good, we can be a little bit kinder, a little more patient and understanding. ♥️
- And most importantly we promise to take Christ’s name upon us. In the True to the Faith it says this, “When you take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ, you see yourself as His. You put Him and His work first in your life. You seek what He wants rather than what you want or what the world teaches you to want.”
Keeping our promises to our Heavenly Father truly just brings greater blessings into our lives. I don’t know about you, but knowing I have made covenants with my Father, makes me want to work so hard to keep my end of the deal. I don’t take my covenants lightly! ♥️
Anyways, this is where my study took me as I was studying the light and law of Christ! How grateful I am for His light in my life!! It truly is that beacon in a darkened world!
Here’s the link to Sister Eubanks talk:
Day 4:

It is both the body and the spirit that makes our soul. So, when we are resurrected it is the redemption of our soul ♥️
When I was studying, it was just one of the scriptures that stood out to me. When a scripture stands out then, it usually means it’s something I need to study and share.
In studying, I found a beautiful quote from a BYU devotional, “Certainly our spirit and body become one—our eternal soul.” (SARA LEE GIBB)
I just love that last part!! That our resurrected body & spirit become our eternal soul ♥️♥️
How important then is it that we take care of both! We can do this as we live the gospel, including living the world of wisdom and keeping our mind and body clean. ♥️♥️
Here is the link to the devotional:
Day 5:

I found a study guide today, that is amazing!! It goes through many of the verses and gives some explanation and quotes.
Often times, I think we are concerned if we are “good enough” for the celestial kingdom. I love that D&C 88:22 states, “For he who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory.” This quote from Elder Talmage also reiterated it. Simply put, we will go to the kingdom, whose laws we live.
This goes so well with what we talked to our kids about the other day about commandments. Our Heavenly Father gives us commandments, because that is the way He lives. He wants us to keep and live the commandments because He wants us to become like Him and live where He lives.
To live the celestial laws, we keep the commandments, we repent and partake of the atonement of Christ, we make sacred covenants and we keep those covenants. Will we make mistakes, yes, but we have a testimony of and faith in Christ’s atonement, we believe that we can change and become more like Him. Living a celestial law, means we follow our Savior, we remember Him and strive to be like Him.
Do I worry about what glory I will receive? I don’t really. My focus is on just doing my best. Having faith in my Savior and His atonement and feeling of my Father’s love. I know that they are here for me and are not looking to “fail” me. Of course my desire is exaltation in the celestial kingdom! ♥️ I have faith that Heavenly Father and the Savior, will provide me with help and guidance to get there, because they desire that too! 😊 They desire us to all be there!
Here are some activities and lessons that could go with this week's study:
You could also check out these great resources from the Red Headed Hostess:
Here are some links to some of the past Come, Follow Me posts:
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