We are loving participating in Light the World as a family!! One of my kiddos got the first bingo the other day and was super excited! I have loved seeing them reach out to family members and learn to serve others.

Today, the Light the World prompt is "Shining Star". Who is a "shining star" to you, who has had an influence for good on your life? I decided to make this little color pages for my kids to write down who their "shining star" is and then I'll take a picture and share it with that person, as well as on my social media. The kids can color the page, or they can just simply write on the star or draw a picture of who their "shining star," is. To print out the color page, click the free download button below:

I also made some star cutouts. These could either be printed out onto card stock and either used as a template or the kids can color them and write on them who their "shining star is" They could give that "shining star" to that person or they could punch a hole and tie a string and hang it on their tree. I also, made some that are already colored, that they could just write on. Click below to print the Star Cut Out pages:

Blank Star Cut Outs that could be used as a template or colored

Colored Star Cut Outs

As I think of stars, I think about how they shine through the darkness. I think of the star of Bethlehem that illuminated an shown that the Son of God was born. How it showed the way for the wise men and how throughout history stars have been compasses in the night sky. So, as I think of who is my "shining star", I think about, who has shined a light for me in the darkness. Who has helped guide me. Who has pointed me towards Christ whether by their teaching or through their example. There are so many people it is so hard to narrow it down to someone. 

I think of my fifth grade teacher, who showed up at my grandpa's funeral with a beautiful pink basket of flowers. That meant so much to me as a little 11 year old that my teacher cared enough about me to come show that love and support, during such a hard time for me.

I think of my Visiting Teachers, from when I lived away from home in another state. They became like family. They were their for me when I needed them most. I remember one time they sat in my humble little front room and talked to me. I was pregnant with my third child and at the first of the pregnancy I was put on a type of bedrest where I was not supposed to lift over 20 pounds, vacuum etc. I did not tell anyone, I don't ask for help ever. So, when they found out after the fact that I had been on bedrest, they were kind of upset with me. They told me that by me not telling them I was not allowing them the blessings of service. I had never thought about it like that before. I still don't like to ask for help. But I did allow them to serve me. One of those sweet sisters, watched my other two children for a night after I had my youngest, when my mom had to go back home and my husband was doing residency and my baby was in the NICU. I don't think she will ever realize what a service that was to me! 

My "shining star" examples make me want to be a better person. To be their for others in their darkness and to help in pointing others towards Christ!

If you would like more Light the World ideas check these out:

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