Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 3 through 5

 Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 3 through 5,

What I have loved about our study of the Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph Smith History so far, is that God's prophets are not perfect. I love that, because it make them relatable to me. We have learned that our Heavenly Father is merciful, that he works with us where we are at. That if we turn to Him, He has a great work for each of us to do. I feel like studying about Joseph and the beginnings of the church is so inspiring.

This week, Joseph has received the plates and we get to see what happens when we lean more towards worrying about what others think, rather than what God thinks. We also, continue to see the love and mercy of God.

Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.

Day 1:


This quote, gives me so much hope!! ♥️  I can only imagine the relief it gave Joseph Smith when he received the revelation that, “The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught.” (D&C 3:1) 

After feeling like all was lost and that he was condemned, to have the revelation that God’s work would go forth and that God is merciful, truly must have eased his tortured heart. 

What I love about this is we can take comfort that God’s work will continue, despite adversity. We’ve seen this with the missionary program, we’ve seen it in being able to continue to worship and partake of the sacrament, even if at times it is at home and different than we are used to. God’s work is going forward!  Israel is continuing to be gathered and this world is continually being prepared for that second coming of the Lord. 

How does this quote and message give you hope and peace?

Here’s a link to a great study guide I used today:

Here is a link to a great podcast: Follow Him Episode 4 part 1

Day 2:

What got Joseph Smith and Martin Harris into trouble was that they valued someone’s opinion over God’s opinion of them. Joseph was worried about what Martin Harris thought & Martin Harris was worried about the pressures his wife was giving him and the unflattering thoughts of his friends. There where heartbreaking consequences that came, because they feared men more than God.
We can learn that when we place our trust in God and worry more about whether we are offending Him, when we humble ourselves and submit to His will, then we can come to the understanding that anything He requires of us, he will provide a way for us to do it. Our self-esteem grows, because we understand that we are His child and that when we are on His errand, He empowers us to accomplish it.
What insights have you learned from this week’s study? Have you thought about in your own life do you give more value to what others think or what God thinks?
Here’s the link to where I found the quote:

Here's a great podcast: Don't Miss This

Day 3:

I was quite impressed tonight, when my oldest recited to us from memory Doctrine and Covenant 4. It is such a beautiful section. What a wonderful revelation given to Joseph Smith for his dad. 

What I love about this section is that it teaches us that anyone who has a DESIRE to serve God is called to His work. Then, it tells us what characteristics to develop to qualify for it, to receive the Heavenly help and power to accomplish the work. 

As I read through those characteristics, I noticed that they are all Christlike attributes, so to qualify for God’s work we need to be striving to live and serve like the Savior ♥️ 

I’ve found that when I’m doing those things, serving God with all my heart, might, mind and strength, the spirit is more prevalent in my life, I receive the revelation I need to fulfill my callings and to serve those around me. My service is magnified and more effective. It really involves turning your heart and will to God  ♥️

What stands out to you from studying this beautiful section?

Here's another great podcast: Real Talk Come Follow Me ep 4

Day 4:

Tonight, as I was reading Doctrine and Covenants 5, and thinking about what message I might share, I was also listening to some music on Saints Channel Music. At the exact moment I read, “Stand as a witness” in D&C 5:2, the song I was listening to said the exact same phrase & I knew that, that would be what I would be sharing tonight.
Joseph was commanded that he, “should stand as a witness of these things”. The Lord also told Joseph that eventually, “the testimony of three witnesses will I send forth of my word.” (D&C 5:15) Martin Harris could be one of those witnesses if he would be humble and patient.
We too are invited to study the Book of Mormon and gain a witness from the Holy Ghost that it’s true. We can stand as a witness of the Book of Mormon.
Tonight, I asked my family the question from the Come, Follow Me study manual, “If you were called to testify in court about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, what evidence would you provide?” I loved hearing my children responses, they were standing as a witness of the Book of Mormon as they shared, their witnesses of the Book of Mormon with our family.
We have not seen or felt the gold plates, but we have held the Book of Mormon in our hands, we have turned its divinely inspired pages, we have read the words of God and by the power of the Holy Ghost we have gained a witness of its truthfulness and power. That witness is just as powerful!! The Book of Mormon is true & I stand as a witness of it!
Ask that question to yourself, what would you say if you were asked to testify and stand as a witness of the Book of Mormon?

Here's a great podcast: Follow Him Ep 4 Part 2

Day 5:

How has your life been blessed, because of the restored truths, the word of God restored through the prophet Joseph Smith? 

We discussed this as a family tonight. I personally am so grateful that through Joseph, we have gained a greater understanding of the Godhead and their role in our lives! 

I tell my kids that the most important thing they can know for themselves is that they are children of God and that He loves them perfectly and desires their eternal happiness. That knowledge has blessed my life immensely. 

It is also equally important that they know that they have a Savior who loves them so much that He would redeem them from their sins and death. My Savior is someone that I feel knit together with. I know that He is the way to exaltation. He is there for me always! 

The Holy Ghost is such a precious gift from our Father! He has such an important role in our communication with our Father. He is the means by which we receive revelation. He is our witness of truth. 

There are many truths and clarifications which we have received from the restoration of the gospel. I’m so grateful for Joseph not giving up, but pressing on through his inadequacies and relying on the Lord! ♥️ 

I found a fabulous talk tonight & wished I could share so many quotes from it, so you’ll just have to go read it 😉 Here is the link: “This Generation Shall Have My Word through You”

Remember to check back throughout the week. You could also follow along on Facebook and Instagram.

Here are the links to prior Come, Follow Me Resource posts:

Also, if you haven't already make sure your download this year study schedule:

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