Come, Follow Me 2021 Doctrine and Covenants 109-110 Resources and Insights,
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Last week, learned about how the Lord leads His church through priesthood authority. We learned about the blessings that come to us through this authority and how the Lord encourages and strengthens those He calls to serve.
This week, we will be discussing temples and how the Lord blesses us in His holy houses.
Throughout this blog post you will find images I create daily, which I am offering as free printables. As well as insights and links to resources to help with individual, family and even class room study. Remember to check back throughout the week as more printables and resources are added daily.
Day 1:

Who else is really excited to study the sections this week?!? I am, especially after reading this quote from Elder Bednar, about some verses in these sections!
Are you going to accept his invitation to ponder them prayerfully?
Tonight, as a family we discussed a little bit about the excitement that both the Saints had as well as heavenly angels, about the completion of the Kirkland temple! We see that same excitement when a temple is announce and when one is dedicate. It’s because we know that within them sacred essential ordinances are performed! It’s where we can go to find peace and to learn those things of eternal importance! ♥️♥️♥️
Here’s the link to the article the quote is found in:
Day 2:

One of the greatest things is seeing my boys go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. It makes me so happy, because I know the blessings that they will receive into their lives as they do so!!
The temple is such a special place that just being near it can bring peace to your soul!
Tonight, we discussed some of the blessings shared in this week’s study about the temple. One that really stood out to me was “As we attend the temple worthily, we can receive the Lord’s protection.” (Doctrine and Covenants 2021:Individuals and Families)
I want/need that protection in my life and in the lives of my family members!! There is peace found in the temple. My spirit always feels uplifted when I attend. I know that there is power that enters our lives as we keep our covenants. I’m grateful for my covenants I’ve made with my Heavenly Father and how each one help me to live my life worthily. Oh how grateful I am for temples!
What blessings do you feel you receive from the temple?
Here’s a great article:
Day 3:

Tonight, I listened to a fabulous speaker @jeffgriffin10 The big take away was Dream big & kick “I can’t” or “You can’t” out of your vocabulary. Having this talk fresh on my mind. It is what I wanted to share and relate to our topic of study. I found a great talk by Sister Dalton with this quote “What seems impossible is often possible” I think that this takes on even greater meaning as being member’s of Christ’s church. Because we know of His enabling power and the fact that we are children of the Eternal Father. We have divine potential.
I was thinking about the early Saints abs the faith they had! I think it takes faith to dream big and make the impossible, possible! Think about the times they were asked to build temples. To build houses of God in His way!
I truly believe that each of us are capable of much more than we think. What is your dream? Is there something you would like to learn how to do? Take the steps today to do it, because you can!!
Here’s the link to Sister Dalton’s talk:
You could also check out these great resources from the Red Headed Hostess:
Here are some links to some of the past Come, Follow Me posts:
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