2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 4: I will follow God’s plan.

2016 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know the Scriptures Are True"

February 2016 Sharing Time Topic: The Scriptures Teach of Heavenly Father’s Plan

February 2016 Scripture: “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).

February Week 4 Topic: I will follow God’s plan.


Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine. Here is a great resource to study on this topic: Plan of Salvation and True to the Faith: Plan of Salvation

Sharing Time Instruction:

As the primary children enter the primary room give each child a yellow pom pom, invite the to hold it quietly in their laps. (Here's a little video tutorial of how to make the pom poms).

Begin, Sharing Time by writing the word "PLAN" on the board. Ask the children if they know what the word plan means? Explain to them that the word plan is defined as, "a method for achieving an end; a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something" (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plan)

Further explain, So, if a contractor was building a home he would have some plans, that are drawn out or written down of what he needs to do to achieve the desired built home.  Ask the children if there are any of them who like to play sports. Ask them if their coach usually has a plan of action for them? What are they trying to achieve when they play a sport? They are usually trying to score the most points, prevent the other team from scoring points and win the game, right. So, there plan would maybe include how often they are going to practice as a team, what kind of drills they are going to run, then during the game it would probably include the plays they will need to run to score the points and achieve their goal.

Place the week's theme poster on the board and invite the primary children to recite, "I will follow God’s plan." Explain that we have learned that our Heavenly Father also, has a plan for us to follow. Ask the children what the thing is that they are trying achieve in Heavenly Father's plan? Answer: Eternal Life, living with our Heavenly Father in the Celestial Kingdom and reaching our potential.  Explain that our Heavenly Father has already laid the plan out for us, we just need to follow the plan.

Have the primary children show you their little yellow pom poms. Explain that they are little balls of happiness. Explain that as we follow our Heavenly Father's plan we are blessed and filled with happiness.

Review the plan of happiness with the children. You should try to do this fairly quickly, since it is just a review.  Each time a child answers the question invite them to come and put the pom pom (aka little ball of happiness into the Happiness Jar).

Place the picture, "Pre-Mortal Life" on the board. Invite the primary children to tell you about this first step in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Discussion might include: We were all created spiritually by our Heavenly Father, we are his spirit sons and daughters. Heavenly Father came up with his plan and there was a great war in heaven about this plan. Lucifer (aka Satan) wanted to take our agency away, he wanted to force us to do things and have all the glory be his. Our eldest brother Jesus, said that he would come to the earth to be our Savior. That he would allow us to make our own choices, but also provide a way that we could still return to our Father and that all of the glory he would give to God.  Satan took 1/3 of the hosts of heaven and was cast out to never receive bodies. If any children helped answer the questions invite them to place their pom poms into the jar.

Place the picture, "Mortal Life", on the board. Invite the primary children to tell you about this 2nd step in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Discussion might include: Heavenly Father knew that in order for us to become like him we would need to have a body of flesh and bones like his, we would need to experience mortality. To make choices for ourselves, to be tested and tried, to grow and strive to reach our potential. Because Heavenly Father knew we would make mistakes because of our agency, he provided a Savior for us, to make it possible for us to overcome our weaknesses and sins through repentance. The Savior Jesus Christ, is the only way and means we can return to our Father.  If any children helped answer the questions invite them to place their pom poms into the jar.

Place the picture, "Death: Spirit Paradise/Spirit Prison, Life After Death", on the board. Invite the primary children to tell you about this 3rd step in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Discussion might include: After we die our bodies remain on earth and our spirits go to either Spirit Paradise or Spirit Prison. In spirit prison, people are given the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel. There is missionary work still being done. Those who have passed on will remain in either of these places until the resurrection

Place the picture, "Resurrection", on the board. Invite the primary children to tell you about this 4th step in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Discussion might include: Because the Savior was resurrected we will be also. Our body and spirit will reunite to its perfect form, never to be separated again.

Place the picture, "Judgement", on the board. Invite the primary children to tell you about this 5th step in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Discussion might include: We will be judged on our obedience to the commandments and our conversion.

Place the picture, "Kingdoms of Glory & Outer Darkness: Celestial Kingdom, Terrestrial Kingdom, Telestial Kingdom", on the board. Invite the primary children to tell you about this 6th step in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Discussion might include: After judgement we will inherit the glory we qualify for.

Every kid that answers the question, let them put there pom pom in the jar...

Ask the primary children why they think it is called the plan of happiness?  (It is the plan of happiness because as we become like our Heavenly Father, we will receive a fullness of Joy. We are happy when we make the right choices and strive to be like him.)

What are some things you can do to follow Heavenly Father's plan? Invite the kids with the remaining pom poms to answer this question an place their pom poms in the jar. (Some answers might be: Read my scriptures every day, Participate in Family Home Evening, Have Family Prayer and scripture study, keep the commandments, attend church, repent, be baptized, go to the temple, get married in the temple, go on a mission, partake of the sacrament, be nice to my brother or sister, help my mom or day, be obedient, learn primary songs, be a good friend, serve others, etc.)

Show the children the jar. Explain that as we follow our Heavenly Father's plan we will blessed or filled with happiness.

If you would like, share your testimony on following God's plan.

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:
  1. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas For February Week 1: Heavenly Father has a plan for me.
  2. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 2: Jesus Christ created the earth for me.
  3. 2016 LDS Sharing Time Ideas for February Week 3: Families are central to Heavenly Father’s plan.
Want more ideas:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2016 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2016 Outline for Sharing Time


  1. I love this! But it made me giggle that at the end any children with remaining pompoms could answer the last questions...we have between 6 and 10 kids total for both junior and senior primary. Maybe we will do the pompoms different

    1. Ya, that would make me giggle too :) Maybe you could give them more than one pom pom. The great thing is sharing times can usually be adapted for any size primary. I served in the presidency of a primary with over 160 kiddos once, our ward split and I became the president of 140 kids :) What's great is no matter the size the goal is the same and you have an instant love for each one of those kiddos whether there is only 1 or 160 :) Thanks so much for your comment!!!

  2. Thanks for the supplemental ideas and layout. It helps a lot!

  3. Thank you for sharing your ideas and handouts! They are AWESOME!!


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