I love Christmas time! It truly is a magical time, it is a time where we try to focus on giving and love. I know sometimes we can get consumed with worrying and thinking about all of the presents we need to purchase, getting the best deals, avoiding the chaos, decorating, getting things mailed, etc. Sometimes we loose site of what Christmas really is. Why do we really celebrate Christmas? Christmas is they day we celebrate Jesus' birth. It was a true miracle that occurred, his birth is even made more important by what Christ did with his life. His birth would not be so special, if he hadn't been a special man. Always giving, teaching, loving and healing those around him. And then suffering for all of us and giving his life so that we could all live again with him and our Father in Heaven. So do we not have reason to celebrate his birth? Should that not be our focus at this time of year?
This year instead of buying one of those chocolate advent calendars, or doing some count down treat, I decided to do a nativity advent calendar. We started it off for Family night and spoke of Jesus birth. Then every day the boys get a piece of the nativity seen to put up. Christ will be the last piece. I think this helps a little with teaching the boys the true importants of Christmas. Another great thing is the story of "Teach the Children", how Santa speaks of each object and how they reflect the true meaning of Christmas. We are actually doing this for our primary party.
Don't get me wrong, I love watching the Christmas shows and giving and receiving gifts, but I also know that it is so important to remember Christ and know that he is what makes Christmas important. Without Christ, Christmas would not be Christmas, it would just be "mas".
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. From what I'm hearing this year with the Economy the way it is alot of people are going with a simpler Christmas. Hopefully we will all remember the true meaning of Christmas, and keep Christ in our lives daily.