Soda Pop Snowmen:
These can be made with either the normal can of pop or those cute smaller cans. Last year I used the normal ones, this year the smaller. The steps are the same, the look a little different.
Here is what you will need:
o Can of pop
o White copy paper
o Clear tape
o Cute sock
o Scissors
o Twine
o Hot glue gun and glue sticks
o Black paint and skewer (or something similar)
o Q-tip and blush
o Triangle wood piece (orange paint & paint brush) or orange foam or orange pipe cleaner or orange card stock
o Embellishments
What You will Do:
First you will cut the copy paper to the size of the height of the can. Tape one end of paper to can and wrap around securing to with tape at the end.
Cut the sock right below the heel. Then cut about a one to one and a half inch section off. This will be the sweater part. The rest will be the hat part.

Using a hot glue gun glue on the nose. For my nose I cut a 2x4 about 1/4 of an inch thick and then I used my ban saw and made a nose shape. I then painted them orange. You could use card stock or thick scrap book paper or orange craft foam or orange pipe cleaner to make the nose. Next you will dot on the eyes with black paint, I use a little dowel like thing, that has a nice flat round end. Add some blush to the cheeks with a q-tip.
Lastly you will add your embellishments. I crocheted little flowers and placed beads in their centers. Attaching them with a hot glue gun. I really loved how these squatty snowmen turned out!
Here are the ones I made last year out of normal cans. I used orange pipe cleaner for the noses and black buttons for the eyes and forgot to add the blush :(.
FYI for the normal size can snowmen I used the part above the heal as the sweater and everything below the heal as the hat.
And Here are the ones made in 2015! As you can tell they are some of my favorite things to make!! The difference with this one is I used scrapbook paper for the nose and added buttons to the top of the hat by the bow :)
And Here are the ones made in 2015! As you can tell they are some of my favorite things to make!! The difference with this one is I used scrapbook paper for the nose and added buttons to the top of the hat by the bow :)
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