{Ultimate List} of LDS Sharing Time ideas for July 2017: I Choose the Right by Living Gospel Principles

Want a one stop place for the Ultimate list of LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas for July?? Look no further!!

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Here is the link to the 2017 July's Sharing Time Outline

July's Month Theme and Scripture:

I Choose the Right by Living Gospel Principles

“Wherefore, let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord” (1 Nephi 3:16).
Song: “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man” (CS, 281) or a song of your choice from the Children’s Songbook

***Remember I will be adding more throughout the month as other bloggers post their stuff, so keep checking back. Also, I am now also posting ideas from some sites that are for purchase, if they are for purchase they will be noted with a "$$" next to it.***

(If there is no link that means the idea has not been posted yet, check back later)

July Week 1: Fasting and prayer can strengthen my testimony.

July Week 2: Being kind is doing and saying nice things to others.

July Week 3: Reverence is deep respect and love toward God.

July Week 4: Honesty is telling the truth regardless of the consequences.

July Week 5

Thanks for stopping by!! I hope that you found this page useful in helping find ideas to plan your sharing times!! Just remember, you have been set apart for your calling. Your Heavenly Father will help you know what is best for your specific primary ;)  If you'd like more ideas be sure to follow me on FacebookInstagram and of course Pinterest!


  1. Thank you so much for all you do! I love your ideas and website!

  2. So grateful for your posters as I am using them for 5th Sunday review on the topics we learned this month! Thank you for always taking time to help us Primary Leaders make sharing time so great!
