LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas December Week 4: I can live with Jesus Christ again.

2015 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know My Savior Lives"

December 2015 Sharing Time Topic: I Know That My Redeemer Lives

December 2015 Scripture: “And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!” (D&C 76:22).

December Week 4 Topic: I can live with Jesus Christ again.

Free Printables:



Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.

Sharing Time Instruction:

Begin by asking the primary children, what is something that they want more than anything? After they answer, explain that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want more than anything for each of Heavenly Father's children to return and live with them again.  Show the children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "I can Live with Jesus Christ Again".

Explain that to be able to live with Jesus again there are some things that we need to do. Place the theme poster either on the board or on a chair in the front of the room.

Show the children the first step (stepping stone), "Faith". Invite the primary children to share what they know about faith. What is faith?  Place the stepping stone 10 feet away from the theme poster. Invite a primary child to come and stand on the stepping stone, ask them if they could make it to the theme, poster by just taking a step? (They can't) Explain that their are more things we need to do to help us to live with Jesus again. Show the children the stepping stone, "Repentance". Invite the primary children to share with you what they know about repentance. Place this stepping stone, a footstep closer to the poster, than faith. Then, show the children the stepping stone, "Baptism".  Invite the primary children to share what they know about baptism, such as when can someone be baptized, who can baptize, etc. Place this one a footstep closer than repentance. Show the children the stepping stone, "Confirmation". Invite the primary children to share what they know about confirmation. Such as who can confirm, what special gift does someone receive when they are confirmed. Place this one a footstep closer than baptism.  Next, show the children the stepping stone, "Prayer". Invite the primary children to share why prayer is important and how it can help them to live with Jesus again.  Place this one a footstep closer than, confirmation.  Then, show the children the stepping stone, "Family Home Evening". Invite the primary children to share how Family Home Evening can help them live with Jesus again.  Place this one a footstep closer than, prayer.  Show the stepping stone, "Partake of the Sacrament". Invite the primary children to share how partaking the sacrament can help them live with the Savior again.  Place this one a footstep closer than, Family Home Evening.  Show the stepping stone, "Attend Church". Invite the primary children to share how, attending church can help them live with the Savior again.  Place this one a footstep closer than, Family Home Evening.  Then show the stepping stone, "Temple Marriage". Invite the primary children to share how, temple marriage can help them live with the Savior again.  Place this one a footstep closer than, attend church. Show the stepping stone, "Keep the commandments and covenants". Invite the primary children to share how keeping the commandments and covenants can help them to live with the Savior again.  Place this one a footstep closer, which should be a footstep away from the poster. Invite a primary child to come up and only step on the stepping stones, invite them to walk the whole way to the theme poster. Explain that as we follow these steps that were discussed we will be able to make it back to living with Jesus Christ again.

Close by sharing you thoughts and testimony on the topic.

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:

  1. LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas December 2015 Week 1: Jesus Christ came to earth as promised by the prophets.
  2. LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas December Week 2: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.
  3. LDS Sharing Time Ideas December Week 3: Jesus Christ will return to the earth someday.

What other ideas would work for this week:

Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2015 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2015 Outline for Sharing Time

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  1. I love the yellow sun on your poster.

  2. love the stepping stones!! thank you!!

  3. I just LOVE you! thanks ffor all you do. MELissa

    1. You are the sweetest Melissa!!! You just made my day, thank you!!

  4. This is wonderful! Thank you so much!

  5. Thank you! This is so wonderful and just perfect for this lesson! So grateful for your talent! =)

    1. Thanks Heather!! It means a lot to get comments like yours!!
