Young Women Class Presidency Meeting Agendas and Newsletters

Young Women Class Presidency Meeting Agendas and Newsletters,

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I  love that the young women have the opportunity to lead. I have seen so much growth come from these young women, as they fulfill their callings. 

Below, are some resources we used when we held class presidency meetings. We also used this time, to help prepare the class president for her BYC meeting. The class presidency meeting is conducted by the class president, with each member of the class presidency being involved in the meeting discussion.

We used these agendas, to help the class president as she conducted the meeting.

How important it is to keep the parents, as well as the girls informed of what is going on throughout the month!! Here is a Newsletter/Calendar template that could be used to help keep everyone informed!

To print any of these printables click on the free download button below. You can select which pages you would like to print, when you click the print button. Also, to edit the newsletters, click on the free download, then click on the one you would like to edit. Copy it or Save it. Then open it up or paste it into photo editing software, from their you will be able to add your own text.

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