Seven Lessons Learned From Reading, "Worth The Wrestle" {Book Review}

Check out these 7 lesson learned from reading, "Worth The Wrestle", by Sheri Dew...

Disclaimer: I received a free pdf copy of this book in order to do the review. Click here to view the full disclosure.

Let me just say that when I was asked by Deseret Book to review a new book titled, "Worth The Wrestle", by Sheri Dew, I jumped at the chance!!

Here are the specifics about the book...

Title: "Worth The Wrestle"

Author: Sheri Dew

Pages: 112

About the book:

Sheri does an amazing job with addressing the principle of asking questions and receiving answers. We all have questions right?!? In Sheri's book, "Worth the Wrestle", she discusses the process of asking good questions, in faith, and how sometimes it takes a spiritual wrestle to receive our answers.

The lessons that I believe we can learn from, "Worth the Wrestle"...

First, that it is not wrong to have questions! If we didn't then how could we ever learn, how could we grow? Questions can equal progress. It all depends on how we go about asking our questions and what sources we go to receive our answers.

Second, sometimes a spiritual wrestle is required when we have questions.

I love this quote by Sheri Dew: "Spiritual wrestling leverages the strength of true doctrine to overpower our weaknesses, our wavering faith, and our lack of knowledge."

Third, we need to be seeking for spiritual experiences everyday. Do we allow ourselves to have quiet moments when the spirit can impresses answers and knowledge upon us? Are we seeking our answers from the right source?

Sheri Dew teaches, "Growing spiritually and receiving answers to our questions depends upon our ability to feel, hear, and understand the whispering of the Spirit." 

Fourth, asking questions in faith is essential. We should be working at increasing our faith. Faith is necessary when our answers to our questions are delayed or not available in this life time. 

"All questions have answers. But some questions, be they personal, doctrinal, or procedural, may not be answered until later. Some may not be answered in this life." (Sheri Dew)

Fifth, how important it is to listen to those who hold priesthood keys, our prophets! They are called of God and hold the keys to preside over this church and receive revelation.

I loved this quote from the book, "Please understand that Satan will do everything he can to encourage you to separate yourself from those who hold priesthood keys. My plea is that, regardless of the nature of your personal struggles, you don't ever succumb to the temptation. Those who hold keys can help you and guide you in ways others cannot." (Sheri Dew, quoting a Stake President in her book, "Worth the Wrestle")

Sixth, the importance of bearing our own testimony.  I often tell the young women I teach that, bearing our testimony is so important. When we share our testimony it allows the Holy Ghost to witness unto others as well as to ourselves that what we are saying is true.

Sheri teaches, "As the world marches steadily toward the Second Coming, fewer and fewer people will be in a position or will be willing to declare their faith. So the bearing of testimony will become an even greater distinction and a light in the darkness to those whose spirits are receptive to truth."

Seventh, that our spiritual well being is worth the wrestle. It is worth the effort to prepare ourselves spiritually. As we prepare ourselves, then when questions come up, we will be able to seek our answers in faith.

I've found in my own life that it is easy for me to be obedient and follow the teachings of the prophets because I have faith in this gospel. I've also learned the importance of finding truths out for myself. To gain a testimony of the principles, doctrines and ordinances of this gospel.

Nephi was the perfect example of this. He having faith in what his father, Lehi taught in regards to the vision of the tree of life, desired to know for himself. Because of his faith and righteous desire to know the truth, he received it.

So can it be with us. As we strive to receive answers to our questions in faith, our Father in Heaven will give us the answers. One of my favorite scriptures is this,

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:4-5)

Conclusion,  I would highly recommend this book.  I feel like it goes so well with the Mutual theme this year of Asking of God in Faith! You can find the book at Deseret Book. Here is a link: "Worth The Wrestle" by, Sheri Dew.

If you've read the book let me know what you think in the comments below! What did you learn from reading this book?

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