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In thinking about the what things I was going to share for the Easter Campaign for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I decided that one of the things I wanted to do was have some way that everyone could get involved.
For the Primary aged children... I came up with an advent calendar of sorts. On each of the cards is one of the eight principles of peace. A short explanation and an activity. These cards can be printed on normal paper, rolled or folded up and then placed within plastic Easter eggs. Place the eggs in a basket along with the picture of the Savior, that says, "Prince of Peace".
Each day during Holy Week, which is April 9th-16th, the children can pick out one of the eggs and focus on that principle that day. Explain that each of the principles is to help them learn of the peace that comes by way of the Savior. Click the download button below to download the Easter Egg Prince of Peace papers & picture...
For the Youth... I wanted to have something that would be so easy for them to not only focus on the principles in their own lives, but also to be able to share them with others. Below are social media pictures for each of the principles. It also sites a scripture to go with each one.
The youth can click one of these images save them to their phones and then share them on social media. The hope is that along with the picture they will write an experience or how they have found peace in the Savior, through that principle. Click on one of the image styles above to go to a page where you can save each one to your phone, tablet or computer.
For the Adults... The adults could also use the social media pictures, I will be. But I also designed a booklet, with a quote about each of the principles of peace. This campaign is really such a personal thing. It allows us to look within ourselves to develop peace in our lives through the Savior. It also allows us look outward at ways others have brought peace into our lives as they have lived the principles of peace.
Read the quotes each day and really do some soul searching. Share your experiences with your family and friends. If you happen to share these experiences on social media, use the hashtag #PRINCEofPEACE. Click the Free Download button below to print your Prince of Peace Daily quote booklet...
As I have thought about each of these principles of peace I can see how each one has truly brought peace into my own life! My relationship with the Savior is a personal one. He has helped me find the strength to forgive others, to open my heart and find compassion, to understand and apply the scriptures into my life, to rely upon his mercy as I repent, to sincerely pray unto the Father in his name, to exercise faith, and to find hope in all things!
My children by their humble yet powerful example of Faith has brought peace to my soul. There is nothing like listening to your child so sincerely pray to their Heavenly Father. The faith they have at such a young age is so inspiring.
It brings so much joy to my heart to know that my children's faith is sure, that they know in their hearts that they are children of their Heavenly Father.
Recently, my oldest son, decided he was going to read the Book of Mormon. I printed him out this reading chart and he began on January 3, 2016. Each night he read and in just over 2 month's he had completed the whole book.
In discussing with him Moroni's promise and his reading the Book of Mormon. He shared his testimony with me or the Book of Mormon. He knows that it is true! How much joy and peace this brings to me through his amazing example and testimony.
Through applying the principles of peace in my life and seeing the examples of others, my relationship with the Savior has grown immensely! How has the Savior brought peace into your life???
As I have thought about each of these principles of peace I can see how each one has truly brought peace into my own life! My relationship with the Savior is a personal one. He has helped me find the strength to forgive others, to open my heart and find compassion, to understand and apply the scriptures into my life, to rely upon his mercy as I repent, to sincerely pray unto the Father in his name, to exercise faith, and to find hope in all things!
My children by their humble yet powerful example of Faith has brought peace to my soul. There is nothing like listening to your child so sincerely pray to their Heavenly Father. The faith they have at such a young age is so inspiring.
It brings so much joy to my heart to know that my children's faith is sure, that they know in their hearts that they are children of their Heavenly Father.
Recently, my oldest son, decided he was going to read the Book of Mormon. I printed him out this reading chart and he began on January 3, 2016. Each night he read and in just over 2 month's he had completed the whole book.
In discussing with him Moroni's promise and his reading the Book of Mormon. He shared his testimony with me or the Book of Mormon. He knows that it is true! How much joy and peace this brings to me through his amazing example and testimony.
Through applying the principles of peace in my life and seeing the examples of others, my relationship with the Savior has grown immensely! How has the Savior brought peace into your life???
If you'd like more ideas of how others are finding peace through the Savior click on the links below...
Spotlighted Ideas:
(Click here to Print this simple advent calendar)
Visit for daily videos and inspirational helps (the site will be updated on March 31st)

More Ideas:
I've created a Pinterest page of some amazing #PRINCEofPEACE posts!! Click the picture below. I will continually update!
I've created a Pinterest page of some amazing #PRINCEofPEACE posts!! Click the picture below. I will continually update!
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