LDS Sharing Time Ideas for October 2015 Week 4: Temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ.

2015 Sharing Time Outline Theme: "I Know My Savior Lives"

October 2015 Sharing Time Topic: The Mission of the Church Is to Invite All to Come unto Christ

October 2015 Scripture: “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32).

October Week 4 Topic:  Temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ.

Free Printables: (Printing Tip: Click on image to open and then save image to your computer.  You can then print the image from your computer. Or click the FREE DOWNLOAD button if it is available and you will be able to download and print.)

Prayerfully study and think about what the specific needs of your primary are and how you can teach them this doctrine.  

Sharing Time Instruction:
Begin sharing time by showing the primary children a picture of the Temple here is a link to many pictures of the Temple or you can use the one above. Invite the children to share with you what the picture is of. Invite them to share with you why the temple is special and important. Discussion might include that there are sacred ordinances performed in the temple such as Baptisms for the Dead; Other work for the dead such as endowments, sealings and initiatory; Living ordinances such us our own initiatory work, endowments and sealings. Our families can be sealed together for all eternity in the temple. We go there for instructions, guidance and to receive personal revelation. 

Show the primary children the week's theme poster and invite them to repeat, "Temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ."  Ask the children the following question, "What can we do now to prepare to go to the temple?"  Bring a bag or book bag. Invite a primary child to come up to hold the bag for us.  Explain that we are going to make sure he has everything in his bag so that he is prepared to go to the temple someday.  In a box or basket have the following items: 
  • Scriptures: Discuss why it is important to read the scriptures daily and how it can help us prepare to attend the temple. 
  •  Picture of a child praying: Discuss how praying to Heavenly Father can help us prepare for the temple.
  •  A picture of a house of a small wood house: Discuss why it is important to hold Family Home Evening consistantly and to have peace and happiness in the home. Ask the primary children what they can do to help there be more happiness in their home.
  • Tithing Envelope: Discuss the importance of paying a full tithe. Explain that in order to attend the temple you need to be a full tithe payer.
  • A heart: Discuss with the children how serving those around them and loving others can help them prepare to attend the temple.
  • Picture of the current prophet: Discuss with the children the importance of listening to and following the direction of the prophet and how that can help them prepare for the temple.
  • Pedigree Chart: Discuss with the children that as we learn about our ancestors and find ancestors who need their work done, we will be helping them in their temple work also.  
Feel free to add other items also.

Invite a primary child to come up and pick one of the items out of the box/basket and show it to the rest of the primary. Discuss with the primary the importance of that item and how it can help them to prepare for the temple. Then place the item in the backpack/bag. Continue with each item. When you are done, explain to the primary children that we each need to constantly prepare ourselves for the temple by doing these things.

Show the children a picture of the Savior, here is a link to some pictures.  Ask the following questions, "How can temple work help you and your family come unto the Savior? How can it help you to rely on him and want to be like him? How can it help you know him?" Invite the primary children to share their answers. 

Close by sharing your testimony on the topic.

What else have the primary children learned this month? Here are links to this month's past sharing times:
  1. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for October 2015 Week 1: Following the prophet will help us come unto Christ.
  2. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for October 2015 Week 2: Sharing the gospel helps others come unto Christ
  3. LDS Sharing Time Ideas for October 2015 Week 3: We come unto Christ by repenting when we make a mistake.
Click this link for past Sharing Time post: LDS Primary Sharing Time Ideas 

***Basic ideas for this sharing time came from the 2015 Outline for Sharing Time, you can find a link here: 2015 Outline for Sharing Time

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  1. You have wonderful and uplifting ideas. They are very adaptable and simple to implement. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  2. Thank you so much for this! I love how simple it is, but it teaches great truths about the temple! I am doing Sharing Time on Sunday and I can't wait to use this lesson!


  3. Thank you for this wonderful idea! I am very excited to use this tomorrow!
    Heather Miller

  4. Love this idea! Thank you sooooo much!!!

    1. Thank you Megan for your comment!! Comments like yours keep me going :)
