2015 Primary Sacrament Meeting Program Ideas, free printable program cover: I Know My Savior Lives

Yay, it is about that time that wards will start practicing and presenting the Primary Sacrament Meeting Programs.  What does this mean???  It is one busy time of year.  I thought I would share some little tips to help alleviate some of the stress....

First off  here are some program cover that could be used:

For the Program Cover in Spanish please click here: 2015 Primary Sacrament Meeting Cover Printable in Spanish

For the Program Cover in Color Click Here: 2015 LDS Primary Sacrament Meeting Cover in Color: I Know My Savior Lives

Tip #1:
The key thing to remember is that it is the "Primary Children's" program.  The programs that I feel that the spirit is felt the most, is those where the program is written by the primary children.  How does one do this??  I can share with you what I did when I wrote the program.  Here is an example of what could be used for this year:

This is just a sample of the 1st page. If you would like the full outline, email me at lifesjourneytoperfection@gmail.com or leave a comment below with your email address and I will send it to you. 

Tip #2:
So, once you've wrote the questions and assigned the question to a child. You will need to ask the children the question, I have done this a few different ways.  One way, is during class time I have gone into the classes and asked them their questions and wrote down their answers.  Once they have given you their response, it is really easy to write their part.  For example, if the question was, "Who did you live with before you came to Earth?" and the child's response was, "Heavenly Father and Jesus."  Then their part would be, "I lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus before I came to Earth." Or "Before I came to Earth I lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus."  Another way I have done this, mostly with the kids I didn't catch in primary was I sent a text or email to their parents with the question.

Tip #3:
Music....  Boy I love music, it brings the spirit into the room, especially when those beautiful children sing.  Their testimonies just radiate as they sing the songs!!  The best thing I found was the primary presidency coordinating with the primary chorister. Together decide on what songs you are going to sing, how many verses of the songs you are doing to sing and if their are any special arrangements.  We always tried to use our primary children's talents.  We had violins, harps and cellos. You have to work with what they feel comfortable with and what sounds good.  Sometimes it is they are just playing the interlude, or a verse by themselves. Or sometimes it sounds great for them to play along as the children sing.  You just have to find what works.  We also usually included something special in our songs. One year the children learned sign language to one of the songs. Another year they learned the first verse of "I am a Child of God" in Spanish.  We have had songs where we had parts where the girls sing, parts where the boys sing, parts where the teachers sing, or even a class or group of kids sign.  Don't feel bad about not singing all of the verses.  We had one year where the plan was to sing all of the verses of a song and then we got into practicing it and decided that we would only sing one verse instead, and it turned out great.

Tip #4:
More about music... make it fun!!  The best times my kiddos sang was when I made it fun.  Some ideas, several times I would wear my super singer detector glasses (silly glasses) and have a pair of some other silly glasses.  During the song, I would look for the primary child who was singing the best, this meant they were singing every word of the song and singing loudly (beautifully, not yell singing). Then that primary child would get to wear the silly glasses through the next song, when I would detect another child and the glasses would be passed on.  Another time, I had a construction hat and pieces to build a temple. On the temple pieces were the songs.  We would start with one and then while we sang that song I would be looking for the best singer that could help me build another piece onto the temple.  I can tell you those type of things really get the kids singing!!

Tip #5:
Handing out Parts!!  The best way I found was to staple all of the children in the same family together. I usually had a little note attached that said when we would be practicing, when the primary sacrament meeting program would be, and an invitation to the parents to help their children learn their parts.  Then I would give their family bundle TO THE PARENTS!!  I also e-mail the program parts to the parents also.  Send reminders via email and text, reminding them when the program is, etc.

Tip #6:
Seating Chart:  For me a seating chart was a must!! It helped with keeping things organized. I gave a copy to each of my presidency members as well as all of the teachers.  When writing the program, think about who might not be able to handle sitting next to each other and don't put their parts right next to each other.  My seating charts were always in the order the children would speak. Here is a blank sample seating chart that I used:

Tip #7:
The reason why I have the teachers reading the scriptures, is so the teachers can lead their class up to say their parts. It really helps so much with the flow of things. Then the teachers also lead them back to sit down.

Tip #8:
When to practice???  What I have found that worked best for our primary was we help practice during sharing time or class time on Sunday. For example:  Junior primary is in sharing time first and Senior is is class first.  The first week of practice, everyone would meet in the chapel or if the chapel is not available, then they would meet in the primary room for practice during the first hour. Then during the second hour, Junior primary would have sharing time and Senior primary would have Class, or vice versa.  Then next week it would be opposite.  You just have to find what works for your primary.  I found that 3 practices were ideal. The first practice is many spent finding where everyone sits and running through the songs.  The next two practices are spent doing a complete run through.  There were some Sundays where we practiced the whole time and didn't have class or sharing time.  Again whatever works for your primary.  Why not a practice during the week??? I found that the kids as well as the teachers have very busy lives!! It was hard to get everyone their during the week.

Tip #9:
DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED, from the practices!! It is a proven and known fact that the practices have not refection on the program ;)  Come program day, those little angels are going to shine!!

Bonus Tip:

After typing up the script, I give a copy to each of the teachers, music leader, pianist, and primary presidency members. I write their name at the top and highlight when their part and their classes parts come up. Also stapled onto the script is the seating chart as well as typed up words to the songs. The teachers loved having the words to the songs. It is really easy to do as well. Just look up the songs on lds.org and cut and paste :)  Here is the link to the test for the songs in the Children's Songbook.

Good Luck!! 


  1. I would love a copy of this years program!.please send it to chadkent@live.com. Thank you! I absolutely love your ideas and use them for my sharing times. I love that they closely follow the outline. Katie Kent

    1. Thank Katie!! I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

    2. Hi Kim, I would love a copy of the program also. tislakis@gmail.com I am hoping to do something entirely different this time around and your idea is just perfect .You are truly a blessing and help to me. Thank you.

  2. I would love a copy of your program. Thank you very much!!

    1. Thanks Cheri!! I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

  3. A copy of this would be super helpful! Thank you! hjosutedja@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Heath!! I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

  4. I'd like a copy as well. Thanks so much for all the tips and info. It's so great of you to share. My email address is smashley120@hotmail.com.

    1. Thanks Ashley :) I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

  5. I would love a copy of the program also. tanbowers@hotmail.com I am going through chemo and your ideas help me so much when I am not up to getting things together on my own. You are truly a blessing and help to me. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Tanni!! Your comment means so much! I am so sorry for the trial you are experiencing, prayers are with you :) I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

  6. I would love a copy as well marriedlastnoel@gmail.com thanks for all your tips

    1. Thanks Stacey! I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

  7. I would love a copy also jessica.loertscher@gmail.com Thanks so much for all your tips

    1. Thanks Jessica! I emailed you the program outline, let me know if you have any problems or if you don't receive it.

  8. yes please!! Please email it mrsbigbore@yahoo.com.. Thanks for all your hard work...EVERY week.

  9. Please and thank you! I have been stressing majorly about this! Jenkaufmann@hotmail.com

    1. It can be a stressful time, but it really always seems to turn our great :) I sent you the outline. Good luck :)

  10. I would love a copy as well! Thanks! ktbunnell24@hotmail.com

  11. Yes! Pretty please!! I would love to see your primary program! I absolutely love your website. Thanks for doing all that you do!!

    1. Thank you so much!! You are so sweet :) I've sent you an email.

  12. Yes! Pretty please!! I would love to see your primary program! I absolutely love your website. Thanks for doing all that you do!!

  13. Yes! Pretty please!! I would love to see your primary program! I absolutely love your website. Thanks for doing all that you do!!

    1. I would love to send it to you!! If you could either email me your email address or leave it here in the comments that would be great! Thanks :)

  14. That would be great to see your outline Kim! Thanks so much for sharing. :) ashley.fowles@gmail.com

  15. I would love to see the whole outline. This is my first time working on the program in our ward and I like the idea of the kids writing it through questions. Thanks for sharing!! Mkr3ster@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Melissa! I've sent you an email, let me know if you have any problems :)

  16. I love all of your ideas:) and would love a copy of the program. Thanks so much:) nikkikev2001@yahoo.com

  17. Could you please send me your whole outline? charleyandkara@gmail.com

    Thank you!!

  18. I would love a copy - thank you for sharing! Bobbi.l.lane@gmail.com

  19. I would love a copy as well to work off of. We have a HUGE primary so I'm sure will have to modify for our needs, but it would help as a starting point! Thank you so much! Michellesnoy@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Michelle! I know how big primary's go :) We did a program a few years back with over 160 kiddos! :) I've sent you the email feel free to modify it to your primary's needs. Good luck!

  20. I would love a copy as well to work off of. We have a HUGE primary so I'm sure will have to modify for our needs, but it would help as a starting point! Thank you so much! Michellesnoy@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Michelle- let me know if you received the email or not :)

  21. As I new primary president, your blog has become my go to resource for sharing time. Thank you for all your hard work. Please email me a copy or your program at larissa.moon@gmail.com. Thank you!

    1. Thanks you! And congrats on your calling! Primary is such an amazing place to serve :)

  22. I too would love a copy of your program! Thanks you for being so willing to share your talents with us! ttidlund@yahoo.com

  23. I would love some help writing the program ( I have never done it before!) My email is simonewhitney@q.com - Thanks so much! Great blog!

    1. Thank You!! I have sent you the program outline in an e-mail.

  24. I would love a copy of your program. I have been writing questions for mine and i would love to see some of your ideas. Thank you

  25. I would love a copy of your program. Thank you so much for sharing!!!! lisablumell@gmail.com

  26. Thank you for sharing your talents. You are amazing!!! Can you please send a copy to me as well? Thanks again . Ashley41012@Gmail.com

  27. Could you please send me a copy of your outline? You are amazing! mtclpnellen@yahoo.com

  28. Thanks for sharing your talents! I would love a copy of your outline: oliviabrownburr@gmail.com

  29. Yes. Please. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing. Ferchy3@gmail.com

  30. I would love a copy of your primary program, reading your notes were so helpful. Thanks for Sharing. lisaakearns@gmail.com

    1. Thank you Lisa!! I've sent you an email with the program outline :)

  31. I would like a copy since our current primary prez has a lot on her plate-daughter was just diagnosed with cancer. sherrysaville@live.com
    Love your blog-come to it all the time for inspiration and ideas. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you Sherry! Oh it breaks my heart when I hear of such tough struggles. Best wishes to your president and her daughter. Thank you so much for your comment. I have sent an email with the program outline to you :)

  32. I would like a copy too. camilew@gmail.com Thanks!

    1. Thank you Camille! I've sent you the program outline in an email :)

  33. I'd love a copy. Thanks for sharing! ang@jbloc.net

  34. I'd love to have a copy. Thank you for providing such a great resource. cshakedesign@gmail.com

  35. Hi Kim, I'd love a copy of your primary program. Thanks so much for doing this. This will help our ward (along with many others) out so much. Please send it to louisanisa@gmail.com. Thanks again.

    1. Louisa- Thanks for you comment and interest! I have sent you an email. :)

  36. I too would love a copy! And want to finally take the time to thank you for what you do! i started out in total fear of sharing time each week, and would be completely overwhelmed with too much information when trying to find simple ideas! yours are perfect!! With a lot of prayer, and help from you, I feel like a sharing time pro! three years later.. hahah!! Thank you so much!! Melissa .... My email is twochickscreations@ymail.com

    1. Thank you Melissa!! Your comment truly means so much to me :) I've sent you the email :)

  37. Can I get a copy as well? As a first time primary president, I found this to be very helpful. Thanks! My email is vyclayton@gmail.com
    P.S. I use your blog all the time for sharing time ideas!

    1. Yep, sent it to your email :) Thanks so much for your comment, interest and kind words :)

  38. Can I get a copy as well? As a first time primary president, I found this to be very helpful. Thanks! My email is vyclayton@gmail.com
    P.S. I use your blog all the time for sharing time ideas!

  39. Please send a copy to halley.stringham@@gmail.com

    1. Sent it, let me know if you have any problems getting it. Thanks :)

  40. Please send me a copy too! Kimhuffaker@cox.net
    Thank you, you're awesome!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I would love a copy as well. Thanks! stacyofarrell@comcast.net

  43. I would love to see your program! brittanydunlop@gmail.com Thank you thank you!

  44. Would it be possible to get a copy of the program cover? Thanks! mcveyliz@yahoo.com

    1. Sent you an email. I've also added a free download link right under the program cover. Thanks :)

  45. You are BRILLIANT! I would love a copy of the childrens program that you have done up! Thank you so much for sharing your talents.


    1. I sent you an email :) Let me know if you have any problems pulling it up. Thanks :)

  46. I would love a copy of the program! I just started working on ours. nikeldime1@hotmail.com

  47. Could you please send me a copy of the program: imsaunderson@gmail.com Thanks so much :)

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Love, LOVE your site! Thank you for blessing my life with your incredible talents! I woiuld LOVE a copy of your program!! saracapener@gmail.com! Thanks SO much!!!

    1. Thank you Sara!! I Seriously am so grateful for the amazing support and comments :) I have sent you an email.

  50. Can I please have a copy of your program mvuataki@yahoo.com. I really appreciate the work you put into your site!

  51. I would also love a copy of your program. richey.meredith@gmail.com Thank you in advance!

  52. Could I pretty please get a copy of your outline as well? I really love your ideas and talent. Thank you for sharing!! jo@bookresq.com

    1. Thank you so much :) I've sent you an email with the program outline, good luck :)

  53. I would like a copy of your full outline as well dbkuharski@mchsi.com Thanks in advance and thank you for sharing your talents

    1. Thanks you!! I've sent you an email, hope it will be useful :)

  54. I would also love a copy of your full outline. My email is lisadjudd@gmail.com Thank you so much for sharing!!!

    1. Thank you! It's been sent, let me know if you have any questions :)

  55. Could I please get a copy of the program as well? email britnyfery@yahoo.com Thank you!

  56. I would appreciate and love to have a copy as I was just called to be Primary President and am new to the church! Thank you. jenoyster0801@gmail.com

    1. Jen, yay congrats. Primary is a great place to be, I am sure you are doing great! I've sent you an email, Good luck! :)

  57. Would you please send me a copy of the full outline? Thanks so much.

  58. My email is rochellehartmann@att.net

  59. Will you please send me a copy of your outline questions? I come to your blog so often for ideas and was not surprised to see this. Thank you for sharing your talent! ashnkre@comcast.net

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog :) And for your sweet comment :) I've sent you an email, good luck with the program.

  60. I would love the questions to your outline. Thank you for your words of wisdom. :)
    Farrah Kaye

  61. I like how you organized it by class. Will you please email me the full outline! Danita@ottilieID.com Thanks!

    1. Thank you! It always worked better with me having them in classes and it really helps things run smoothly having their teacher bring them up to the mike. I've sent you an email :)

  62. I would love an outline!!! My email is lrh25@hotmail.com Thanks!!!

  63. I would appreciate a copy of the outline. Thanks for sharing all your hard work💛

  64. Program outline, please! Thank you so much. Outstanding tips for this newbie! funakil@yahoo.com

  65. I just got called as the new Primary President only one week ago and our Primary Program is only one month away!! I would love LOVE if your could share your outline with me. Thank you! sandyrae330@gmail.com

    1. Wow!! Deep breath, you can do it!! Congrats on your calling :) I sent you the email, good luck :)

  66. Can you please add me to your very LONG list of requests? I would be so very appreciative. I love your resources and appreciate all you do to help so many people! thank you! jajwiley@yahoo.com

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! The email's been sent to you :)

  67. not sure if that comment gets attached to anything in particular after thinking about it but it was to request a copy of the program :-)
    thx again! jajwiley@yahoo.com

  68. Thanks for all your effort, it really helps those of us not as creative. I would love a copy of your 2015 Sacrament Primary Program

    1. Thank you! The program outline has been sent to your email, good luck :)

  69. Please could you email me a copy badcamelot@yahoo.com. Thank you for all of your work and inspiration!

  70. Please e-mail me a copy at imsaunderson@gmail.com Thanks :)

  71. I really appreciate all your wonderful and inspired posts. Please send me a copy lisadavid.martin@gmail.com
    Thank you!

  72. I would love a copy, too. Thank you for offering it! Jennyknight1229@gmail.com.

  73. I would also love a copy! It will be a great jumping off point to how I can apply the ideas to our ward's special kids :) THANKS!!! Stevenson.ohana4@gmail.com

  74. I would also love a copy! It will be a great jumping off point to how I can apply the ideas to our ward's special kids :) THANKS!!! Stevenson.ohana4@gmail.com

  75. Thanks so much for all your wonderful ideas! I would also love a copy. vshupe1974@gmail.com

  76. Thanks so much for all your wonderful ideas! I would also love a copy. vshupe1974@gmail.com

  77. Really helpful seen as though this is my first time as primary president and organising a presentation. I would love a copy please msilipa@gmail.com

    1. Thank you! Enjoy being president, it is the funnest! I've sent you an email :)

  78. I would love a copy of the program as well!! Great Ideas!!! kristenbunker@gmail.com Thanks so much!!!

  79. Hello Kim ~

    I would also like to request a copy of your primary program. Thank you so much for all your time and effort spent in creating this blog! It has truly been a great resource to me in my primary presidency journey. =) My email is: stretchjj@gmail.com

    Thanks again,

    1. Thanks Julie for your sweet comment!! I've sent you an email with the program outline, good luck :)

  80. Hello Kim ~

    I would also like to request a copy of your primary program. Thank you so much for all your time and effort spent in creating this blog! It has truly been a great resource to me in my primary presidency journey. =) My email is: stretchjj@gmail.com

    Thanks again,

  81. Hi Kim,
    Thank you so much for these tips! My first attempt at this was deleted and you may have saved me.
    Can you please email me at VanessaLHansen@gmail.com. Thank you!

  82. Hi Kim,
    Thank you so much for these tips! My first attempt at this was deleted and you may have saved me.
    Can you please email me at VanessaLHansen@gmail.com. Thank you!

  83. I have written most of the program but could use a few more ideas ;-) paulandtiffs@gmail.com
    Like so many have said, your blog is my favorite and first I look at to get inspired for sharing time! Thank you for sharing your talents! Please know you are greatly appreciated!

    1. Thank you so much Tiffany!! Your kind words truly mean so much :) I have sent you the program outline in an email.

  84. I have written most of the program but could use a few more ideas ;-) paulandtiffs@gmail.com
    Like so many have said, your blog is my favorite and first I look at to get inspired for sharing time! Thank you for sharing your talents! Please know you are greatly appreciated!

  85. I would LOVE to have your list of questions! Pretty please! Our program is already written, but I still need to squeeze in a few more parts for more children who have moved into our ward. My email address is: mandyloohoo2@gmail.com. THANK YOU in advance! :)

  86. Such a good post! we did something similar in our ward but My friend just got called to be PP and the program is in a month...they haven't even started. I would love to have a copy of your outline and questions to help her along. you are amazing! cknelson82@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Connie! I am sending you the outline via email, now ;)

  87. I would love to see the entire outline please. ashclarkley@gmail.com. Thank you for posting these ideas.

  88. Can you please email the program outline to me? I love having the children answer the questions and would love to see what questions you had! Thank you for all the work you do and being willing to share with all of us!!! jennifer@potabledivers.com Thanks so much!!!

  89. Could you please send me a copy too! miacarter096@gmail.com
    I absolutely LOVE EVERYTHING you do! Thank you for this post. It's perfect and covered everything I need - even things I never even thought of! Such a great help, thank you again :)

    1. Oh thank you so much Mia! You are so sweet :) I've sent you an email.

    Sue Danaher

    1. Oh Sue, I am sure you are doing a great job :) I have sent you the program in an email, hope it helps.

  91. I would love to have a copy of your program. I like your idea. bathia_08@yahoo.com

  92. I would love to have a copy of your program. I like your idea. bathia_08@yahoo.com

  93. hi, YOU COULD SEND ME A COPY PLEASE. anacarolina.lfc@gmail.com

  94. Hi Kim, I would love a copy of the program also. tislakis@gmail.com I am hoping to do something entirely different this time around and your idea is just perfect .You are truly a blessing and help to me. Thank you.

  95. Kim,
    You have such great ideas. I could use a copy of the program you have posted. Thank you. kristifitch@gmail.com

  96. Kim,
    You have such great ideas. I could use a copy of the program you have posted. Thank you. kristifitch@gmail.com

  97. I love your ideas. Thanks for sharing. I would love a copy of your program. Thank you. Tracey.blackwelder@gmail.com

  98. I would love a copy, I am a brand new called Primary President, averettfamily1137@gmail.com

  99. I would love a copy of the program as well. Love when the teacher leads the class up! Thanks, Rachel rachelramey@gmail.com

    1. Thanks Rachel! It really helps things flow with the teachers leading the class up and it helps the teachers be involved. I've sent you an email.

  100. Hi! Do you have a copy of this program in color print at all? My Bishopric really loves it but they want something in color. Need to have it ready to send off to print by tomorrow. Thank You

    1. Here's the link for anyone else wondering :) http://lifesjourneytoperfection.blogspot.com/2015/10/2015-lds-primary-sacrament-meeting.html#.ViLPPH6rSUk

  101. Hello, can you please send me the full outline of 2015 SACRAMENT MEETING PRGRAM? Thank you for sharing your talent to us.

    1. I've sent it in an email. Let me know if you have any problems opening it up, Thanks!

  102. you can e-mail me at renilisa2191@yahoo.com.ph.....Thank you very much.

  103. I'd love a copy of the program too! Thanks for creating something so wonderful to share. lisalynnreed@gmail.com

  104. I would love a copy! jclovinglife@hotmail.com
    Thanks for sharing this great program.

  105. I would love a copy also staceyfraatz@gmail.com Thanks so much for all your tips :)

  106. Could your program cover be sent in a WORD file, by any chance? jsb5775@gmail.com. Thanks.

  107. Hi Kim,

    I love this info!! Do you have a program outline for 2016?

